Friday, September 30, 2022

September Reading Wrap-Up


At the beginning of September my husband and I took at trip to Duluth, Minnesota.  Duluth is located in the northern part of Minnesota on the southern shore of Lake Superior.  Not far away is Split Rock Lighthouse in Two Harbors, MN.  It had been many years since we had toured the lighthouse and decided it was time to visit again.  I was hoping to put together a post of the pictures I took, but didn't get around to it in September.  Maybe in October.

As far as reading goes, I read 9 books in September.  Here's the breakdown:

Fiction: 2
Classic: 2
Mystery: 4
Suspense: 1

The link will take you to my review.





Book Cover

The Librarian Spy by Madeline Martin (review coming soon)


Active Defense (Danger Never Sleeps #3) by Lynette Eason (review coming soon)

I hope your September was filled with lots of great reads!  
~ Gretchen

I am linking up with The Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight. 

I'm also linking up with The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb @ Readerbuzz.


  1. Some nice classics here!
    This is probably my favorite by Agatha Christie.
    I have been to Pictured Rocks, but not Duluth, though I have friends there

    1. Thanks, Emma! I can see why And Then There Were None would be a favorite.

  2. I don't think I've ever seen an actual lighthouse in person. I should put that on a bucket list. I loved the CS Lewis series as a kid! Haven't read in ages though! Have a good October!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Thanks, Lisa! There are actually quite a few lighthouses in the Midwest that I have had a chance to see. I have never seen one on the coast though. I would think they would be bigger, but I'm not sure. They are fascinating.

  3. That looks like a great reading month to me. And the trip to the lighthouse sounds awesome. It looks in very good shape.

    1. The lighthouse is in good shape. It was a lot of fun to tour it and the grounds.

  4. Lighthouses are fascinating. Have you read “To the Lighthouse” by Virginia Woolf? I’ve visited lighthouses on Cape Hatteras in North Carolina, on the coast of Maine, along Lake Michigan, on Islos de los Estatos off the tip of Tierra del Fuego in Argentina, and on the island of Kauai in Hawaii. All fascinating! I was once in that area of Minnesota but do not remember going to the lighthouse.

    best… mae at

    1. I have not read To the Lighthouse. You have been to such a variety of lighthouses! I have only ever been to Split Rock and some in Michigan. I love learning their stories.

  5. A nice variety of books and classics.

  6. I'm just halfway through Librarian Spy - it's an interesting way to tell a story. Thanks for stopping by - hope you have a great week.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. Thanks, Terrie! It is an interesting way to tell a story and I thought it worked well.

  7. WOW! You went to Splitrock Lighthouse! I love it there. We've visited a couple of times! Great photo! Great list of books. Katies Cottage Books

    1. Thanks, Kathy! It is such a neat place to visit.

  8. Interesting looking books. I liked And Then There Were None and I want to read The Librarian Spy. I love the photo of the Lighthouse.

    Have a great week ahead!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    1. Thanks, Emily! And Then There Were None is a good one.

  9. I have a fear of heights, but was able to climb the stairs at this one without too much problem. I love lighthouse decor too.

  10. Sounds like a great reading month. Your trip sounds lovely. I hope you have a great week.

  11. I love agatha christie. I always think she has had a bad rap over the years. Her stories are clever and entertaining and meticulous. Love 'em! I read C S Lewis many years ago. Probably not my thing now. Lighthouses are some of my fave things.

    1. Sherry, I agree with all you said about Agatha Christie. I think her stories are great.

  12. Yay! I got the email for this! I can see that I have read some of your reviews, but not all. That's my next challenge for the day--to get caught up.

    1. Yay Linda! I'm so glad things worked like they are supposed to. Hope you are having a good day!

  13. Wow you had a great reading month. I've never been to Duluth but it looks nice with the lighthouse ... and Bob Dylan was born there in 1941. So it would be neat to go.

    1. My husband was a big Dylan fan when he was younger, so we have seen a few of the Bob Dylan sights. There is a memorial/museum in Hibbing, MN that we have visited. Duluth and the surrounding area is beautiful.

    2. thanks for the tip about the museum in Hibbing. and I need to see Duluth too.

  14. A nice assortment of books! I just finished Books Can Be Deceiving yesterday! I hope to have my review up in the next few days.

    1. Thanks, Cindy! I look forward to reading your review.

  15. I'd love to actually go inside a lighthouse. I've always wanted to live in a lighthouse.

    I've always wanted to read both And Then There Were None and Village School. I have copies of both of these.

    1. Going inside the lighthouse is fascinating. I also really enjoyed going inside the house that the keeper and his family lived in.

  16. I don't know Dearest Dorothy. Should you read those in order?

    1. Hi Mitzi! Yes, I would read them in order if you can. One book picks up where the last one left off.

  17. I've never been to Minnesota, but I hope to someday! Hope you enjoyed all your reads, and happy reading in October.

  18. I love lighthouses! Photos and stories about them. I think I went to one as a child but haven't been since. My family and I should try to make it to one or two one of these days. I bet I would love Books Can Be Deceiving. I've enjoyed other of McKinlay's books. I hope you have a great October.

    1. I bet you would enjoy Books Can Be Deceiving if you like Jenn McKinlay's books! Lighthouses are so interesting. I hope your family can visit some!

  19. I been to Minnesota for summer camp. Nice picture of the lighthouse.
    Have a great October reading month.
