Saturday, September 18, 2021

The Sunday Salon; Devil's Punchbowl

We have had a stretch of gorgeous, fall days.  Temperatures have been in the low to mid 70's with low humidity and lots of sun.  Leaves are beginning to change color and the sun is setting before 8:00 pm.  Chipmunks and squirrels are busy gathering acorns and seeds.  

What I read:

Death in Castle Dark (A Dinner and a Murder Mystery #1)

The Black Arrow

 The Black Arrow by Robert Louis Stevenson

Reading now:

Fatal Fried Rice (A Noodle Shop Mystery, #7)

Fatal Fried Rice by Vivien Chien


We are watching the fourth season of NYPD Blue.  

Devil's Punchbowl

The sign says: "This unique and fragile rock feature was created by glacial forces and allows us to look back over 500 million years of geologic time.  Please enjoy and respect one of our community's natural treasures."

This is located in Dunn County, Wisconsin.  There is a much larger one in Oregon.  

In order to enter the Devil's Punchbowl, you have to descend this set of stairs.

It was incredible to see trees growing out of the rock formation with their roots hanging over the side.


Have a good weekend!
~ Gretchen

The Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb @ Readerbuzz.


  1. Nice photos. Our weather is similar to yours.

    1. I'm trying to soak it up before the snow flies!

  2. The pictures are great! I am jealous of your weather we are still nearing 100 where I am at

    Here is my link:

    1. Hi, Tee! We are having beautiful weather and doing our best to enjoy it while we can. I'm heading over to check out your post.

  3. Hi Gretchen! I love the photo of the Devils Punchbowl and envy your weather. It’s stormy and hot in North Florida now.
    Thank you so much for your nice comment on my blog xo

    NYPD Blue was a pretty good show, we enjoyed it. I like your book selections too.

    1. Hi, Tina! We are very fortunate to have had such nice weather when others have had storms and fires.

      NYPD Blue does hold up well, we are enjoying it.

  4. I loved NYPD Blue! Glad to see it's help up over time.
    Love the nature photos. We're trying to take advantage of the fall weather here too, but it's been in the 80s this week, Crazy high for Ohio.

    1. We watched some of NYPD Blue when it originally aired, but there was a lot we missed. It has been fun to watch it in order and it has held up well.

      Enjoy your nice weather!

  5. I've added Death in Castle Dark to my TBR and I think it's going to be a good read. Thanks for sharing all your lovely photos with us.

    Have a good week!

    Elza Reads

    1. You're welcome! I hope you enjoy Death in Castle Dark, I sure did.

  6. Devil's Punchbowl looks so cool! I love the pictures, thank you for sharing them with us! I love the waterfall, too! Glad you've had some nice weather, too. And wow, NYPD Blue, there's a throwback! Hope you're enjoying!

    1. Devil's Punchbowl was really cool. I had no expectations going in, so I think that made it even more surprising.
      Have a good week!

  7. You weather sounds lovely and I enjoyed the photos you shared. I wish I could step right into them. I hope you are enjoying Vivien Chien's book. I have been wanting to try that series. I hope you have a great week!

    1. Devil's Punchbowl was so beautiful! I am enjoying Vivien Chien's book - I have enjoyed this series a lot.
      Have a good week!

  8. Thanks, Vicki! There are so many good shows to watch, but only so much time.

  9. Your weather sounds wonderful. I read Death in Castle Dark and enjoyed it. I love Vivien Chien's series, but I'm behind. I need to get back to it. Have a great week!

    1. Our weather has been wonderful! We are trying to enjoy it while it lasts. I enjoy Vivien Chien's series, too. Have a good week!

  10. Your descriptions of the weather you are experiencing sounds like the fall I've never seen personally, but I've always wanted to see.

    Robert Louis Stevenson was the author my school was named after, so I felt compelled to read his books. What a great writer he was. I haven't read The Black Arrow yet, but I will look for it.

    We love to visit nature preserves. Isn't the Devil's Punchbowl a unique and fascinating spot? Wow.

    1. We are doing our best to enjoy this fall weather. We are not always blessed with it. Sometimes it goes from hot to cold with nothing in between.

      Robert Louis Stevenson was a great writer. It has been many years since I have read Treasure Island and reading The Black Arrow made me want to go back and read it again.

      The Devil's Punchbowl was so neat. I'm glad we were able to see it this fall.
